Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We Expect More

Attention Teresa McNeece-

"Expect More, Do More and Achieve More." Strong words intended to inspire teachers and students alike to reach farther and change the world, at least that is what I believe the intention was, however, the actions of those involved in the "fake prom" do not exemplify this motto, and you should be ashamed of this behavior.

Constance McMillen is a hero in the eyes of many in the LGBTQ community and beyond. She is an inspiration to the thousands upon thousands of teenagers struggling to do exactly what she is doing which is be proud of who she is. She is taking a stand and she has the support of millions behind her.

Constance expected more, she expected those entrusted with her development and education to allow her to be true to her self. She expected those who taught her about equality to learn from the lessons in history and treat her as an equal. Constance expected more than she received and that is why she is an example of your motto, yet you are not.

Constance did more, she did more than one could have ever expected from an eighteen year old adolescent. She spoke out against those who were trying to tell her she was less than equal. She bravely stood up and said that what was happening was not right. She was very open with who she was and entered the spotlight to prove an important point. By doing more Constance became a hero.

Constance achieved more! Constance became a symbol of what we are all fighting for and years from now when you are hanging your head in shame history books will tell the story of this brave woman who stood up and proudly said I AM EQUAL! She is a hero, her story will be told for many years as we continue to fight for equality, and you should be proud of Constance because she is one of your few students who exemplifies your motto.

Now is your chance to do more to make a difference. Please respond to this letter and all the others I am sure you will receive in the next few days, weeks, and months and tell us how you are going to recognize Constance. We expect so much more from you, your principals, and your teachers. It is a shame you are not delivering.


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